01.Samarium cobalt magnet Profile
Samarium cobalt magnet is a kind of rare earth magnets, is made up of samarium, cobalt and other metallic materials made by the ratio of a permanent magnet, the study successfully in 1970, its main characteristic is magnetic. Temperature resistant performance is good, samarium cobalt magnet has high magnetic energy product, high coercivity, compared with the ndfeb, samarium cobalt magnet is more suitable for working in high temperature environment, samarium cobalt magnet has the very good corrosion resistance, so generally do not need to coating.
However, due to the special molecular structure of samarium cobalt, so more fragile, easy to crack, and the main composition of samarium cobalt samarium reserves on the earth is low, so the price is very expensive. Samarium cobalt according to its composition is different, can be divided into two categories, SmCo5 and Sm2Co17 categories, respectively, for the first generation and second generation rare earth permanent magnet materials.
02.Samarium cobalt magnet production process